
The McAdams Families of South Carolina

A McAdams family was in South Carolina by 1722 long before the McAdams Irish immigrants arrived in the Back-Country in 1767-7
In 1790 there were 6 McAdams families living in South Carolina.

S.C. Family Index

Thomas McAdams of Orangeburg / Robert McAdams of Newbury / Joseph McAdams of Camden / James McAdams of Pendleton /
Thomas McAdams of Abbeville / John McAdams of Union

Charleston, S.C.

Robert Homer McAdams served in the South Carolina Assembly in 1722. He married Alice Calhoun there in 1735. Their children are listed born in Abbeville but the family was living in Georgetown. They were were:

i.....John, b. 1736
ii.....Robert, b. 1738
iii....James, b. 1740
iv....Benjamin, b. 1742
v.....Kate, b. 1744
vi....Hannah, b. 1747
vii...Alice, b. 1748
viii...unnamed daughter, b. 1751.

Thomas McAdams of Orangeburg, South Carolina - Top

In 1760 's "poor Irish Protestants of good character" were encouraged to come to the Colony of South Carolina. They had to bring with them a letter of recommendation from a church or civil authority. Their passage would be paid, given bounty land, twenty shillings for tools and provision and transportation to their new land.

Thomas McAdams, age 40, Catherine his wife, age 38, and children Rose 20, Henry 18, and Robert 13 took up the offer and left from Ireland on the snow "Betty Greg" in 1768.
Six months prior to the immigration of Thomas, a William McAdams, age 19 came to South Carolina in July 1767 abroad the ship "Nancy" from Ireland. William petitioned for his plat in Craven County, later the Camden District, the same day that Thomas and Rose petitioned for his warrant of survey, Grants of land were issued 12 Sept. 1768 in Charleston. Henry McAdams also received a warrant but no record has been found of him claming it. No other record has been found of Henry and he may have died.

The same day Thomas and Rose received their grants, Henry Johnston's land was laid out next to Thomas' land. This is the same Henry Johnston who stated on a petition that he knew Robert McAdams of Newberry, South Carolina.

Eighteen years later on 5 June 1786, Thomas McAdams received two tracts of land from the State of South Carolina located in the Orangeburg District on the North Fork of the Edisto River. In 1790 he is listed in the census with on female over 16, two females under 16 and one male under 16. He is also in the 1800 census but appears to have died before 1810.

It is not clear and it appears that either Henry after arriving in America went by the name of Thomas or Catherine died and Thomas, Sr. remarried and had a 2'd family. This Thomas wife was Mary and the family in 1790 appears as:

1. Thomas b. 1774 S.C. married Nancy....
2. Sarah cb. 1778 S.C. married Eliza Jefcoat
3. Jane cb. 1782 S.C. married Thomas Jefcoat

1. Thomas was probably born in Orangeburgh and in 1810 is listed as Thomas M. Adams. The family moved to Pikes Co., Alabama after 1820. He was issued a Cahaba land warrant in 1836. He left an estate in Pikes Co., Alabama which was probated in 1848. His heirs are listed as : widow Nancy, George, Thomas, William W. (Wesley), Robert R., Patience Capps, and Elizabeth Jefcoat. The family was as follows:

A. George....................cb. 1797 S.C. married Sarah --
B. Patience Ann............cb. 1798 married Samuel J. Capps, (2) Mr. Staley
C. Thomas, Jr..............cb. 1800
D. Elizabeth J................b. 1801 married Elijah Jefcoat
E. Robert E...................b. 1806 married Rachel Jefcoat
F. Epram.......................cb. 1809 - probably died before his father
G. William W. (Wesley).. b. 1811 married Hannah King
H. James R....................b. 1818 married Levina, b. 1826

A. George McAdams married Sarah --- and received a Alabama Cahaba land grant in 1836 to him and one with his brother Robert which they sold to John Jefcoat. He had moved from Pikes Co. before his father died in 1848 . He is in the Calhoun Co., Arkansas census in 1860. Listed in his house hold were:

i. John Wesley....b. 1833 Ala. married Sarah M — b. 1854 lived Choctaw Co., Ala.
ii. James............. .b. 1835 Ala
iii. Marcilla............b. 1841 Ala.
iv. Jane En? and her children:
a. Monne b. 1855 Ark
b. Alice b. 1858 Ark
c. Melisa b. 1859 Ark

B. Patience Ann, cb. 1798 married Samuel J. Capps, 30 May 1833 in Pike Co., Ala. She later returned to S.C. and married Mr. Staley.

C. Thomas, Jr. was born about 1800 in S.C. and is found in the 1830 - 40 census of Pike Co., Alabama. He was issued a Cahaba land warrant in 1836. No other information.

D. Elizabeth J., b. 1801 married Ellijah Jefcoat.

E. Robert E., cb. 1806 married Rachel Jefcoat, d/o John and Marthia L. Jefcoat about 1829. He was issued a Cahaba Land warrant in 1836 in Pikes Co., Ala. Robert was killed in an accident abt. 1861. All six sons served in the Civil War. Their children were:

i. Zilpha S................. b. 1831 m James F. Clements (Clemmons)
ii....Nancy......................b. 1832 m. Francis Davis
iii...Robert A..................b. 1835 m. Samantha --
iv...Elijah...................... b. 1837 m. Sara F.S. Williamson - killed in Civil War.
v....Elizabeth.................b. 1838 m. Mr. Wyrosdick
vi...George L..................b. 1839 - killed in Civil War
vii..Emmaline J.............b. 1842 unmarried
viii.John R....................b. 1844
ix...James W.F..............b. 1845 m. Rachael Jefcoat
x....Benjamin A.............b. 1847 m. Subannah Bannis
xi...Sarah A...................b. 1852
xii..Mary A.....................b. 1854

F. Epram, cb. 1808 in S.C. is not listed an heir of his father's estate and probably died before 1848.

G. William W. (Wesley), b. 1812 married Hannah King, d/o James King on 20 June 1844. He bought his father's farm in 1860 in Pike Co. Known children were:

i.....Mary E...............b. 1849
ii....Clarisa P............b. 1844 m. Mr. Smith
iii...Ben F..................b. 1846
iv...Thomas A...........b. 1848

H. James R., b. 1818 in S.C. married Levenia abt. 1840.
They lived in Barbour Co., Ala. Their known children were:

i......James W..........cb. 1841
ii......William...........cb. 1842
iii.....Benjamin W...cb. 1844
iv.....Marthia Eliz...cb. 1845
v......Susan..............b. 1847
vi....George Asbury.cb. 1848
vii...Goly L (m) .........b. 1850
viii..Catherine..........b. 1853
ix....Margaret............b. 1853 (maybe we one person or twins)
x.....Sarah................b. 1856
xi....James................b. 1856 (twins)
xii....Cassas (m)........b. 1859

Ref: Family records from Norma Chapman of Waco, Texas, Sellers Family Bible, Jefcoat History, South Carolina Archives, National Archives, and U.S. Census.

Newberry, South Carolina

Reading the heirship letter carefully and comparing family clusters is very convincing that Robert McAdams of Newberry, South Carolina was the son of Thomas McAdams of Orangeburg, S.C.

"Due to heirship to one Thomas McAdams, late of Glasgow, two letter were addressed to Thomas McAdams, father of Robert McAdams. Heirship was recorded between 1810 - 1822. This record was testified to by Henry Johnson and others".

Norma Chapman has obtained copies of the original plot maps and Henry Johnson claimed land adjacent to Thomas McAdams in 1768. Their lands were surveyed and granted on the same day. Thomas' daughter Rose, land was next to John Gordon, John Robinson, Andrew Rea, Richard Rea, and Mary Johnston.

Robert McAdams of Newberry, South Carolina

Robert McAdams arrival in American has two stories. The first story is that Robert McAdams arrived in America in 1768 at the age of 13 from Ireland with his parents, Thomas and Catherine McAdams, brother Henry and sister Rose. The family settled in Orangeburg District, S.C. and not much else is known about them.

If Robert is the son of Thomas McAdams of Orangeburg, the story that is favored, then his father was Thomas McAdam a taylor in Glasgow, Scotland. His father appears to be William McAdam of Dawaltoun of St. Johns of Darly, Scotland and probably the brother of John McAdam of Craigengellian who's father was Quintin McAdam of the McAdam House of Grimmits. From here this can be traced back to John McAdam of Waterhead.

The other story is that Robert McAdams came to America in 1774 as a stole-a-way about the age 16. A brother, John or James came a few years later. He moved to either North Carolina or Tennessee and they lost track of each other.

In either case, Robert does not show up in South Carolina until about 1786. He is highly suspect as being the Robert McAdams who served with the Virginia Troops in the Revolutionary war but final proof is lacking. Robert settled in the Laurens area of Newberry and was associated with the Williams, Coles, Teagues, Garys, Hills, Cadwells, Dalymple, and Hunter families. The evidence is that he married Sarah Williams who is though to be the daughter of John P. and Sarah Williams who lived next door to Robert.

In 1786 he purchased 150 acres of land between the Broceae and Salulda River on Dry Creek of the Bush River from Nathan Williams which was granted to him from the State of South Carolina. Robert made a token payment of 10 shelling and one years work. Daniel Williams is mentioned in estate papers with Robert and the Teagues; however, Daniel and Nathan Williams were residents of the Pendleton District near the Reeves, Mauldens, and James McAdams. The families of Robert and James were living together later in Perry Co., Alabama.

In any event, much research has been done on this family by William McAdams and his son, Horace, Dorothy Gains and other members of the Society. From the arrival of Robert in Newberry the rest of this family history is accurate.

He is believed to have married Sarah Williams, maybe the daughter of John Williams, but is associated with Providence Williams who was a in-law. He probably was in Virginia or Penn. and served with the Virginia troops, but no connection to the several Roberts in the war records can yet be made. He wrote his will 8 Aug. 1820 and named his 8 children:
1.....Thomas S., b. 1783 married Sarah Teague (2) Mary Teague to Ala. and Miss.
2....Sarah, b. 1784 married Mr. Gary
3....Providence, cb. 1785 married Patience Williams, moved to Ala. then to La.
4....Caty L., cb. 1786 married Mr. Chelarch
5.....Henry C., cb. 1788 married Rhody Ritcherson (2) Elender Lowell moved to Ga.
6....James, b. 1792 married Sarah Foreman moved to Shelby Co., Ala.
7....John , b. 1795 died unmarried in 1824
8....Linny, cb. 1804 married William P. Stovall, 5 Sept. 1825

1. Thomas S. McAdams their first child was born in 1783. He first married Mary Teague, the daughter of Joshua and Dorothy Caldwell Teague. The Teague family was involved in the "Regulator Movement" and left Rowan Co., North Carolina in a "Hurry" and settled in the Laurens District in 1771. The Teagues were Quakers but turned Baptist when they were pressured to give up their slaves. The families were members of the Bush River Baptist Church. In 1816, Mary, Thomas, and Providence signed the will of James Teague. In 1818 Thomas and Mary were dismissed from the Bush River Church and in November that they moved to Jefferson Co., Alabama.

Thomas was a charter member of the Mt. Hebron Baptist Church founded in 1818 near Leeds. Hosea Holcombe from Union Co., S.C. was the pastor and his son; Harmon C. married Susan McAdams, a daughter of Thomas. By 1835 Mary Teague had died and Thomas re-married Sarah Teague had joined the Alpine Baptist Church in Talladega Co, Alabama. When Sarah died Thomas re-married Mrs. Charity Wallace but separated sometime before 1850.

The children of Thomas McAdams were:

B. Robert E.W. McAdams was b 1802 and married Catherine, a cousin of his mother b. 1804 in S.C. and died 2 June 1863. Robert re-married Sallie J. Williams. He was a minister and a Surgeon Dentist.

The children of Robert and Catherine were:

i.. Thomas T. b. 1822 married Martha T. (2) Emily C. Allen 8 Sept. 1868
a.. Robert .b, 1850
b...son unknown
c...son unknown
ii......Mary A. b. 1825 married Abbery Wingo 22 Dec. 1853
iii.....Hillary D., b. 1829 killed in the Civil War
iv.....Susan A. b. 1821 married J. Nunnelly, 8 Jan 1861
v......Laura M. b. 1833
vi.....Abner G. b. 1835 married Lou Page 23 Oct. 1864 served in Civil War
vii....Dorothy E. b. 1838
viii...James G.F. b. 1842 killed in the Civil War.

Joshua Teague McAdams was born 1804 and married Martha Hayney b. 10 July 1803. They probably married about 1826. The family was in Shelby Co., Ala. In 1830 and had moved to Benton Co. by 1840 and listed in Walker Co. in 1850. By 1860 they settled in McAdams, Attala Co., Mississippi. Most of the children of Joshua and Martha McAdams were:

i..John H. b. 1827 abt. 1853 married Caroline Barton b. 1829
a. Ann, cb. 1846
b..Martha cb. 1848
c..Joshua T. b. 1850 d. 1912 married Lusrice Jane Sanders
e..John M., b. 7 Oct. 183 married Mary F. Wilson, (2) Martha P. Sanders
ii....James D., b. 1828 married Elizabeth,
a.. Mary Ann, b. 1853
b..Sarah J., b. 1856
c..Samuel M. b. 1859

iii....Martha H. b. 1829 married Moses Barton
a..Martha C., married John W. Garner, son Robert Garner married Amada Kirkpatrick

iv....Sarah cb. 1830 married Jeff Barton
v....daughter unknown cb. 1831 married Addison Morrow killed in Civil War.
vi...Thomas B. cb. 1832 married Clarisa-- b. 1843 Miss.
a...James, b., 1866
b...John R., b. 1868
c...George, b. 1871

vii...Isaac Detridge, b. 7 Dec. 1831 d. 19 Aug. 1889 married Mary E )Betty) Turner, b. 4 March 1835. Served in Civil War, 13th Miss.
a....J. T., married Minnie Gregory 31 Aug. 1883
b...Martha E. married W.R. Adcok 12 Nov. 1833
c...Robert d. 1896
e...John P. Haney b. 187 d. 1938 married T.C. Sills
i Simon, ii. Robert, iii. Denton, iv. Mozella Furr, v. Festus Phillips
viii...Jeptha P. b. 1834 d. 1912 served in the Civil War.
ix...Wilburn Benton b. 1833 in Walker Co., Ala. Married Perncia Ann Temple, b. 1838, (2) Mary J. Richardson, b. 1847 (3) Ula Walker Hollingsworth. He served in the Civil War and had a total of 22 children. Their home was McAdams, Miss. The children, not in order.
a....James William, cb. 1857
b...Martha Francis, b. 11 Sept. 1859 married James Hines, b. 1879
c...Columbus Benton b. 11 Dec. 1863 d. 1933 married Emma Rebecca Haines
d...Ula Walker, b. 1865 married A. Jared Richardson b. 1865
e...Jeptha Madison, b. 20 April 1869 d. Muleshoe, Tex. Married Martha E. Ware (2) Nannie Temple. i. William B. ii. Bertie Lee iii. Lela Mae
f....Martha Ware, b. 1872
g...Mary Caroline, b. 14 June 1874, married Leonard H. Hunter
h...Emma Ann, married Mr. Stubbs
i....Abbie Doll b. 27 Mar. 1879 married Hiram L. Standford
j....Authur S. lived in Childress Texas
k...Kendrich Cayce d. in Loranine, Texas
l...unknown daughter married Robert Murray
m..William Dalton b. 1882 married Matilda Hollingsworth b. 1884
n...Pernecin Ann married Mr. Milton
o...John Leon, b. 5 Oct. 1885 d. 1906
q...Nannie Jamison married Mr. Temple
r....Ada Jennette, cb. 1897 married Mr. Russell
s....Mattie Manila b: 19 Sept 1898 d: 10 Sept 1962 mar George R Burgett 29 Sept 1922
t...Vivian b. 1900 married Mr. Singer
v....Henry Owen b. 1901 married Agnes Grimland
Two others not known

x......James R., b. 1839 may have been killed in the Civil War
xi.....Mary S. b. 1841
xii....Elizabeth P. b. 1843
xiii...Rebecca D., b. 28 Nov. 1847 married J. K. Richardson 2 Oct. 1873

James T. McAdams born 1809 married Julia Lawler, b. 1810 in S.C. The family moved from Shelby Co. Ala. To Spearsville, Union Parish , La. In about 1847. By old family letters he died about 1867. Margaret Lawler, b. 1795 in Tenn. was living with the family in 1860. The also were in Ark. The know children are:

a..E.J. b. 1831
b..Permelia b. 1821
c..James F. b. 1834 married E.T. children were: i. S.E. b. 1849 Ark, ii. W.F. b.
1855 in La. iii. J.D. b. 1857 Ark iv. Am. B. 1859 in Ark.
e..Robert b. 1836
f...Henry Rufus b. 1838 married Dorcas Post 12 Feb. 1856, i. David b. 1857 ii. Rachael b. 1869
g...Mary. b. 1840
h...Ann b. 1842
i....Susan b. 1843

Thomas M. McAdams born 1823 in Ala. Married Martha Teague b. 1833 the daughter of James Jefferson and Ann Golden Teague. They married 7 June 1849 and lived in Benton Co., Ala. Children believed to be theirs:

a..Isaac A. married Martha J. Parker
b..Sarah married Leonard Scott 21 Jan. 1871?
c..Taylom married Flora T. Scott
f..Jack married Fannie Ringold 10 Oct. 1872
g..Buck married Sarah Wallace 17 Aug. 1873
h..Thomas M. married Ellen Johnson 1 Oct. 1874

2....Sarah McAdams, daughter of Robert and Sarah was born in 1784. She married Mr. Gary. Probably Hillary W. Gary who died 18 July 1861 with a widow, Sarah and children,

i. John S., ii. Sally iii, Linda, iv. Ida, vi. Eva. vii. Jessie

3...Providence McAdams son of Robert and Sarah was born 21 Feb. 1785. He married Patience William, daughter of Rachel and Providence William. He received a land grant in Dallas Co. Ala. In 1821 but lived in Perry Co. Just before 1850 he moved to Claiborn Parish, La. Where Providence died 12 Feb. 1857 and buried in the McAdams Cemetery. The children of Providence and Patience are:

a..Abigil cb. 1808 married Franklin Braine 2 Aug 1838
b..William E. cb. 1810 died before 1857 married Charlotte George, b. 1819 The family lived in Perry and Marion Co. Ala in the 1840's moved to Union and Jackson Parish, La. Their children were: i. Josephine b. 1838 ii. Thomas Jefferson, b. 1842 served in Civil War and moved to Franklin Co., Texas. iii. George W. cb. 1844 married Lou C. in Ellis Co, Texas served in the Ga. Troops in the Civil War. iv. Robert (Richard E.) b. 1847 CSA vet moved to Franklin Co., Tex.
c..John b. 1812 married Bethany --, i. G.A. born 183, ii. Elizabeth b. 18, iii. Alex P. b. 187, iv. Robert L. b. 1864
d...Rebecca cb. 1820 married Elijah Sparks 27 Aug. 1849
e...Nancy cb. 1825 married Jackson Crow lived in Ark
f...Elizabeth cb. 1830 married James Carmichael lived in Ark.
h...James Teague b. 1828 married Mary Ann Hay b. 1836 24 April 1853

4......Caty L. McAdams daughter of Robert and Sarah was born about 1786. She married a Mr. Chelarch. No other information.

5......Henry C. McAdams son of Robert and Sarah was born about 1788 and married several times. He moved to Pickens Co., Georgia sometime before 1829 with William Bluford Gary and his with Ruth. Henry served in the War of 1812 and won a Georgia land lottery. He was living in Pauling Co., Ga. With 11 people in his household in 1840 and died in 1843. Some of his children:

a..Nancy cb. 1802 married William Ballard in Floyd Co. Ga.
b..Bluford b. 1810 his 2's wife was Elizabeth Clark Hughes. The children:

i......Henry J. b. 1832 married Amada Wilkins
ii.....Elizabeth J., b. 1833
iii....Bluford Jr., b. 1835 married Catherine
iv....John B. b. 1837 married Sarah F. Allgood
v.....Nancy Ann, b. 1839
vi....Mary, b. 1840

The children of Bluford and Elizabeth C. Hughes:
vii....Emily S. b.1843 married Joseph Driver
viii...Mahala C. b. 1846 married Lucas Hogan
ix....Martha F., b. 1847 married John Henry Cornett 11 Dec. 1864
x.....Young M., b. 1848 married Mary Rollins
xi.....Margery b. 1850
xii....Thomas E. b. 1854 married Catherine Carter
xiii...George W., b. 1856
xiv...Catharine, cb. 1858

c ..Deatan, b. 1815 married Annie (Hannah Caroline Wright)-- moved to Henderson Co., Texas
d...Elizabeth cb, 1816 married Alexander Henderson 28 Aug. 1834
e...James b. 1820, d. 1855. married Martha White b. 1828, children were

i. James William b. 1847, ii. Nancy b. 1847, iii. John b. 1857 iv. Floyd, b. 1860

f...John cb. 1822 served in Mexican War.
g..Virginia, cb. 1825 married Austin V. Young in 1847 in Carroll Co.
h..Minerva Ann, b. 1835
i...Emily, b. 9-16-1844, d. 1941 m. James F.G. Hutcheston- 9 children
j...Gary E. b. 1841
k..Young H., b. 1842

6......James McAdams son of Robert and Sarah was born 1791 and married Sarah Foreman b. 1805 in about 1823. The family settled on a farm near Colulmbiana, Shelby Co. Ala where they both died. The children were:

a.....Isaac F. cb. 1823 married Elizabeth Sentell 25 Dec. 1845
b.....John b. 1824
c.....William b. 1827
d.....Elizabeth B. b. 1834 married David Edwards, 2 March 1851
e.....James F. cb. 1836 married Sarah J. Crow in Perry Co. in 1859. He was a surgeon in the CAS and moved to Ark in about 1862.
g....Sarah J. cb. 1839 married Mr. Horton
h....Henry Clay cb. 1830 was a doctor graduated Mobile 19 April 1853.

7....John W. McAdams son of Robert and Sarah cb 1795 died unmarried in 1824
8....Linny (Belinda) McAdams daughter of Robert and Sarah was born abt. 1804 and married William P. Stovall 5 Sept. 1825 in Shelby Co. Alabama.


Carolyn Sue Bouska had noticed she had Teagues in her family line and I had asked her about it. She answered that she is also a Teague researcher and in listed on the mailing list for the Edward Teague Network. Her Teague line is William Teague, Jr. and Eleanor Simonton. In the Teague information she sent was a letter from the Museum of Teague Family History, 208 S. 3'd Ave. Teague, Texas 75860 dated March 25, l994. It states the LDS records list the wrong wife for Joshua Teague (c.1732-1808). This Joshua Teague was married to Dorothy Gaunt or Gauntt, not Dorothy Caldwell, who was born 1729 in Burlington County, New Jersey, daughter of Zebulon Gaunt, (c. 1679-1772) and Sophia (Shourds) Gaunt. Also, the Teagues immigrated through Fredricks County, Virginia and Roan Co., North Carolina to Newberry, South Carolina which suggest an earlier McAdams-Teague association.

Elijah Teague (1767-1843) who married Sarah Morgan was listed as a son of Johua Teague (1732-1808) and Dorothy Gaunt Teague. Letters were discovered written by the siblings of Dorothy Gaunt to their parents that uncovered the error and showed Elijah Teague was not a son. The Elijah Teague who married Sarah Morgan was a son of Elijah Teague (1726 - 1780) and Alice Teague. This error and the wrong spouse are still showing up in many records.

In the Newberry, S.C. estate records recently furnished by R. Ann Symons she notes in box 9 pg. 3, dated 1815 of the Newberry District estate record is Hannah Gauntt, widow of Israel Gauntt. Her eldest daughter was Susannah Coates - a familiar family in Bush River Baptist Church, which she had by her first husband.

In these estates records Robert McAdams was the administer to John Gary in 1801. However, the paid by estate settlement has Samuel Lindsey paid in 1801 and John Gary with R. McAdams, son-in-law. Since Robert appears several times in these documents it would be logical that R. stands for Robert. This estate sale could cast some doubt that Robert's wife was a William's which has been the assumption of several researchers. There is little doubt due to the documentation that the McAdams and Williams families in Newberry were close. However, this information appears to indicate that Robert's wife was Sarah Gary - daughter of John and Caty Gary. The Williams were in-laws to the Teagues and to Thomas Gary. Thomas Gary was the father-in-law to Providence Williams. These records say that Robert McAdams and Providence Williams were married to Gary first cousins.

Venita Fountain of Homer, La. said her grandfather insisted that Ann Gary was the wife of Providence Williams and it was not Rachel as stated in his estate papers. The fact is that John and Thomas Gary were sons of William Gary, Sr. who settled near the Enoree River, north of Indian Creek in Newberry County in about 1760. He was granted land in 1767 which he conveyed to his son, Charles. The family is reportedly to have come from Virginia. There were 3 other sons, Charles, James, and William. William lived in the Pendleton Dist., S.C. Some of Charles' children lived in Abbeville, S.C.

The confusion comes with John Gary. John Gary III, cb. 1771 was the son of John Gary, Jr. and his wife Anne, last name unknown. John Gary III did marry Catherine (Kate) McAdams, a daughter of Robert McAdams. These estate papers identify Robert McAdams as John's father in law. However, this is more likely to refer to Robert's daughter, Sarah. His estate papers say she was the wife of Mr. Gary who was Hillary W. Gary who died in 1861. Caty is listed as the wife of Mr. Chelarch. In 1818 Charles Leopard was the spouse of Cathey (McAdams) Gary and on application of Thompson B. Thompson, letters of guardianship for Linny Gary who was his wife.

The 3 generations of John Gary appear to be mixed up and all refer to the estate record of 1801. The history of the Gary family state the wife of John Gary, Sr. was Katy who died in 1802. So, this Katy could not have been Robert's daughter. The family records state that John, Jr. died in 1789 leaving a widow, Anne, their son, John III is the person who married Kate McAdams, Robert's daughter. The Gary family came from Virginia and they were related the Lee and Williams families of Virginia.

John Dalrymple also appears in the estate records of Thomas Gary. Patience McAdams, wife of Providence McAdams and Elizabeth Dalrymple were daughters of Providence Williams. The Dalrymples were from around Ayr, Scotland and migrated to North Carolina in 1774 - the same year Robert McAdams is reported to have arrived in America.

R. Ann Symons is pretty certain that her direct line goes back to Robert McAdams of Newberry, S.C. It is his son, Thomas S., who gave his son, James T. the old Bible. Then passed on to Robert F. who died in the Civil War and her grandmother. James T. was a Baptist minister and she thinks that he and Julia (Lawler) may be buried in the old cemetery around Spearsville, Union Parish, La.



from Robert F. McAdams
(this was probably not actually
his the last letter home but it was one of them. Robert was captured at Chickamauga 20 Sept. 1863. He was sent to Camp Douglas, Ill and died there on 14 Nov. 1863.)

Camp near Wartrace, Tennessee
April 27, 1863

Dear wife, and son, and father and mother, brothers and sisters:
I again with the most of pleasure take out my pen to write you a few lines to let you know that we are all well except your brother, E.R. Dildy. He is still complaining with his bowels. He is able to be up. He is not bad off, but he is excused from duty.
We have been up here two days. This is a nice camping place but I do not know how long we will remain here. We are about five miles from the Yanks now. We was called out in the line of battle yesterday AM with two days rations to go and make an attack on them. I thought I would be in a battle, but the order was countermanded and we did not have to go - and I was not sorry a bit. Brother was not going - he was not able to stand the march. Our line was thirteen miles long. Thomas Post is complaining though he is up.
I have no news to write to you. I am standing it first rate. We get plenty of beans and bread to eat and that is better than I looked for. I have $53.00 and a half in Confederate money and I will get 22 or $30.00 in 3 or four days. I am in hopes this will come to a close before long and we will be as happy your ever saw.
I want you all to write to me and I will get one once in a while. When you direct your letters to Wartrace - McAdams, brigade 79 th Regiment, La. Vols. Co. E care of J.B. Landers. So, I will have to come to a close to go on duty. I want you to let Pop and Mother see this. It will do for you all. I drampt I was with you and Frank last night, but when I waked I was in the same old tent then I felt bad. I will write again in a few days.

R.F. McAdams to Penny McAdams


Joseph McAdams of the Camden District

South Carolina records have William McAdams, age 19 immigrated from Ireland in 1767. He does not appears in any other records but Joseph appears her where William was granted land in Craven. Co.

William McAdams b. 1749, came to America from Ireland in 1767 at the age of 19. His grant was issued in Craven Co. in 1768 next to Knox, Lang and Michael Lewers. Joseph and William McAdams who appear here could be the same person. However, until we get a plot map or determine his grant location this is purely speculation.

There are no records until a Joseph McAdams of Camden shows up in the area in 1786. It is possible he came here from North Carolina. He was elected Constable in 1780 and he was a tailor by trade. He received several land grants. He and his wife mortgaged his house in 1787 to John Chestnut wit: Robert Brounfield and John Craven. Joseph in court case with Thomas Lewers in 1793. Joseph is on an estate with Dr. Isaac Alexander of Enoch and Robert Hill of Derry Ireland dated 1785. He lived near James Douglas, John Davis, John Hood, William McGill, William Lang and others. In the will of Robert Hill of Mecklenburg Co., NC, gifts to his brother, John Hill and sister Margaret Reid of Derry Co., Ireland, exec; Rev'd Robert Archibald and David Masse of Rowan Co., NC, wit: Joseph and Dr. Isaac Alexander of Camden, S.C. 10 April 1786.

The census records have 3 males under 16 in 1790. His sons. Joseph and Samuel remained in the area. The 3'd son is not known..He married Mary and was a tailor by trade. Joseph was granted a total of 878 acres of land and died about 1814. In 1830 Mary was about 80 was living on her property with a hired hand and the negro woman whom they had freeded.

i....Joseph, cb. 1774. Joseph re-married Mary 1 Aug. 1806. Joseph vs. Alex Burnside over estate of Mary J. Burnsides in 1810.
a. Hiram Augusta, b. 1792 married Mary
b. Sarah b. 1800 S.C married John Shropshien 27 Dec. 1821
c. Margaret M. cb. 1802 died unmarried in Lancaster Co.

ii...Samuel, cb 1772, wife was Mary Graham. Samuel and James Johnson sued Samuel Johnson, exec for James Gordon and William Graham in 1797.

iii..Thomas McAdams appears only in a tax record in 1813.


James McAdams of the Pendleton District

For detailed Family Records - click here to find more details on family members

James McAdams was born in Virginia abt. 1748. An old family letter states his family came to America from Ireland with two brothers. The evidence is that his father was either the John or James, brother of Samuel McAdams who died in Fincastle Co., Va. in 1788. James can be first confirmed when his son, James was born 1773 in Wake Co., North Carolina. He moved to the western part of Virginia near Washington Co. Tenn. He is believed to be the James McAdams listed as serving in the Virginia 7 th and 11 th Regts. with Joseph Crockett. In 1782 he was issued a land warrant for 400 acres which he sold in two parcels that same year. He also had owned property next to Charles Robertson and Brown which he did not sell until after 1800.

Just before 1790 he moved to Pendleton District, S.C. but did not acquire any land until 1802 on Crooked Creek, a branch of the Saluda River. After that his name appears regularly through out the records of Pickens Co. S.C.

The acts of Congress of 1820 providing additional benefits for war veterans prompted James to acquire 2 separate tracts of land in Alabama. He and some of his sons, who had served in the War of 1812 were given land warrants in Jefferson Co., Alabama. In 1821 James received a military land grant in St. Clair Co. Alabama and he moved there at a very old age. He wrote his will in 1828 and it was proved in St. Clair Co. in 1833 by his son Thomas who was the executor of his estate. He named his wife, Jermina, his 9 children and 5 of his slaves.

1....Rebecca was born abt. 1772 probably in N.C. She is mentioned in her father's will as Rebecca Maulden.

2....James, Jr. was born in Wake Co., N.C. in 1773. He spent his adult life in Pickens Co., S.C. on the property his father had purchased on Doddy's Creek. He married Mary Lathum whose family had come from Virginia. He appears in the records of the county several times. He wrote his will in 1855 and was proved in 1863 by his son-inlay, Mason Burdine who was the executor of his estate, He named his wife, Mary and 8 children. The children were:
i..James, Jr., b. 1815, d. 1881 married on 5 March 1839 Nancy Burdine, b. 1821, d. 1859. (2) Amanda M. --, children were:
a... Mary E. b. 1840
b....John b. 1842
c....James G. b. 1845
e....Sarah J. b. 1848
Children of James and Amanda were:
f......George A. cb. 1850
g.....Mason B. cb. 1852
ii.......Susannah cb. 1817 married James Clemmens
iii......Helilnda cb. 1818 married Mason Burdine
iv......Jermina cb. 1820 married W. Fair
v.......Sarah , cg. 1822 married James W. Hunt
vi......George L.
vii.....Mary Jane cb. 1830

3.....Margaret, cb. 1774 had died before her father had written his will. He left her share of his estate to Thomas Cantwell who was her husband.

4.....John McAdams, cb. 1775 and one of his sons had died before his father and James left his left his inheritance to his 3 unnamed sons.

5.....Samuel McAdams was born 1776 in Washington Co., Tenn. He married Sarah, b. 1778 in NC. In 1801 they were living in Georgia on the Indian boundary line in Franklin Co. In 1818 he was issued a 160-acre land warrant in Morgan Co. Ala. He was in Lawrence Co. in 1830. The family moved to Bowie Co, Texas where Samuel is believed to have died about 1852. Some of the children of Samuel and Sarah McAdams taken from the Newby family bible.

i ....George b. 1804 married Jo Anna, b. 1810. George was a carpenter by trade and appears to have died before 1860. Their children were:
aGeorge H., b. 1834 Ala.
bJames H. b. 1836 Ala. Married C.M.-- b. 1822 Ark. Children, C.I.A, b.
1848, L.W., b. 1850
c Mary E., b. 1838 Ala.
d.Penelope b. 1840 Ala.
e.Andrew J. b. 1834 Tex
f..Louisa b. 1847 Tex.
g.Hannah b. 1850 in Tex.

ii.....Bethany, cb. 1806 SC married John McAdam, son of William McAdams

iii.....John, cb. 1808 in S.C. married Sarah --, b. 1823 in Ala. She was head of household in 1850 as John had died. She remarried J.B. McWhorter, b. 1824. The family was in Bowie Co. as early as 1840. The children were:
a..Elizabeth b. 1842 Tex.
b..Mary H., b. 1844
c..Sarah, b. 1846
e..D.A. b. 1846

6.....Isaac, cb. 1777 married Martha Anna, b. 1780, daughter of William Turner who had served in the Revolutionary War. During the War of 1812 Isaac was drafted and served 3 months. About 1820 he moved to Jefferson Co., Ala. Were he was granted a land warrant for his war service. He died before 1827 and his heirs sold the property but a final land patent was never issued until 1929. Martha moved to Mississippi in 1840 with some of her sons but returned to Jefferson Co., Ala. By 1850 where she was living with her daughter, Ruthy Ellard. The children of Isaac and Martha were:
a..Nancy cb. 1789 SC married Jessie Turner and family was in Calhoun Co.
Miss. In 1870. Their children.
i. Lucy b. 1821 ii. Thompson b. 1822 iii. William b. 1843
iv. Nancy b. 1845 v. Jane b. 1847 vi. Francis b. 1849
b..Mary, cb. 1799 SC married John Woodall

c.....Sarah b. 1800 d. 1889 married Jessie Hunt b. 1798 on 30 Oct. 1817. Jessie
was a probate judge in Lee Co. Miss and moved to Texas in 1872
where Sarah died 19 Oct. 1885 and Jessie died 25 April 1895 and are buried in Florence Cemetery in
Williamson Co. Texas. Their children were:
i. James b. 1818 married Francis Adams
ii. Joseph cb. 1820 married Nancy Mauldin
iii. William C. b. 1823
iv. Annie b. 1822 married Philip Turner
v. Jane b. 1822 married John P. Payne
vi. Ruth Ann. B. 1824 married J.B. Barrow
vii. Lydia A. b. 1828 married John L. Turner
viii. Sarah C. b. 1830 married Patrick Moore
ix. Jesse Ivy b. 1831 married Sarah J. Pond
x. Thomas J. b. 1833 married Louisa Williams
xi. Elizabeth b. 1833 married James Boyd
xii. Washington b. 1839 died in the Civil War
xiii. John Tyler b. 1840 married Lovonie C. Ellis
xiv. Harrision P. B. 1843

d.....Merrit b. 1801 SC married Peggy Snow on 8 Feb. 1821. The family moved
to Miss. about 1840. Their children were:
i. Isaac cb. 1822 married Margaret Barton in 1843, their children were,
Susan b. 1843, Nancy b. 1845, Merritt b. 1847 and William b. 1849
ii. Catherine b. 1825 married Jeff Murphie
iii. Francis b. 1832

e.....Ruthy cb. 1802 SC married Jonathan Ellard who died in 1838. The family
was in Jefferson Co., Ala. In 1850 living with her mother, Anna.
i. Nancy Ann b. 1821
ii. Caroline, b. 1821
iii. William W. b. 1822
iv. Isaac b. 1823
v. James b. 1824
vi. Merritt b. 1827
vii. Andrew cb. 1830
viii. Joseph cb. 1843
ix. Elizabeth cb. 1836
x. Mary cb. 1838

f.....Catherine b. 1804 married Elbert Bayless on 4 Jan. 1825. Children were:
i. Harritt b. 1837
ii. Nancy b. 1839
iii. Epsey b. 1840
iv. Anna b. 1842
v. George b. 1845
vi. Eugena b. 1848

g....Thomas b. 1805 SC married Lucinda Turner in about 1825. The family lived
in Ark. and moved to Texas.
i. James b. 1826
ii. Thomas b. 1830 married Martha McGown
iii. Eliza b. 1835 married E. Stillwell
iv. Lucenda b. 1838 married Joseph Murphy
v. Rebecca b. 1841 married William White
vi. Jessie M. b. 1843 married Mary Hudson
vii. Anna b. 1846 married James Youngblood
viii. Ruth L. b. 1849 married Nathan Henderson

h.....Polly Ann b. 1807 SC married George McCurley 4 Feb. 1821
i. Robert b. 1824
Polly remarried John Woodhall and their children were:
ii. Elizabeth b. 1836
iii. Caroline b. 1838
iv. Martha b. 1839
v. Leanodias b. 1840
vi. John b. 1842

i........Rebecca cb. 1810 SC married James S. Stovall 8 Jan. 1824 who died 1845
i. Darcas S. b. 1829
ii. Thomas D. cb. 1831
iii. Thomas b. 1834
Rebecca remarried Thomas Gore in 1852
iv. James cb. 1852
v. Merritt cb. 183
vi. Martha
vii. John
viii. Jackson
j........James cb. 1812 d. Ark., married Mary Ellard

k.......William W., b. 1815 SC d. 1889 married Elizabeth Little Green on 18 Oct. 1835 in Perry Co., Ala. The family moved to Yalobusha Co. about 1840 and on to Leon Co., Texas in 1852. William died in 1889 and is buried in Bethal Cementery on land he donated to the Church.
i. Anny b. 1836 married Calvin Bennett
ii. Thomas L. b. 1839 killed in Civil War
iii. Lintha b. 1842
iv. James H. b. 1845, d. 1929 married Alice Currie in 1870. Children:
a. George b. 1871 d. 1875
b. Ela b. 1875
c. James Luther b. 1877
d. L. Tom, cb. 1879
e. L. Monroe, cb. 1879 d. 1952 married Josephine Morgan
f. Martha Addie b. 1882 married Dr. Owens
g. Lila cb. 1885 married Mr. Calvin
v. Sarah J. b. 1848 married Mr. Childress
vi. Elizabeth b. 1851 married Leonidas D. Ross
vii. John b. 1856 died unmarried
viii. Robert H. b. 1859
ix. Mary b. 1869 married R.F. Childress

William re-married Rebecca Spear after Elizabeth died
x. Lou b. 1880
xi. Jermina b. 1882

7..Thomas born 1780 in Washington Co., Tenn. married Polly Clemmens and moved to Gwinnett Co., Ga. He was in Cass Co. Ga. In 1830 and died in 1852. He had no children and left gifts to his brother and sisters who lived in Pickens Co., S.C. and Texas.

8. William was born in 1788 in South Carolina and married Cynthia b. 1791 in NC. She was probably a Matthews. The family was in Alabama by 1820 and lived in Perry Co . They were also were in Ark. He and his sons, William and Jeptha were issued land grants in Texas in 1839 as residents of Texas who resided there before 1836. In 1850 they were in Smith Co., Texas. Their children were:
a......John, cb. 1807 SC married Bethany McAdams, d/o Samuel McAdams
b......James, b. 1809 SC married Mary Clary
c......William M., b. 1818 SC married Sarah Adrian born in Ky. A son Lewis R
b. 1845 died in the Civil War.
d ......Jeptha J., born 1820 in Ala. Married Amanda, b. 1821 in Ga.
i....John H., b. 1840 Tex
ii...Thomas P, b. 1842
iii..William J., b. 1845
iv...Cymathia, b. 1857
v....Mary L., b. 1849

e.........Thomas F, b. 1827 Ala.
f..........Milida S., b. 1833 Ark
g.........Hugh L, b. 1835 Ark.

9. Polly b. 1791 married Mr. Smith.

Abbeville District

John McAdams son of Thomas and Catherine was born in Co. Down, Ireland 15 Aug. 1759.
He served in the Revolutionary War under Maj. Williamson . He married Catherine Stuckey
about 1784 who died in 1804. He remarried Sarah Webb. He died 1 Nov. 1834. The children
of John and Catherine were:

A. Mary (Polly) b. 23 Nov. 178 married James Fisher

B. Margaret born 11 June 1787 and married Lemuel W. Tribble, b. 17 May 1786 and
lived in Abbeville all their lives. Their children:
i. Polly Ann married George Grubbs
ii. Nancy
iii. Emily
iv. James R.
v. Stephen
vi. Samuel M. b. 18 Jan 1824 married Ann --b. 8 Sept. 1825
a. Maragret died at 16
b. Palmyra S. died young
c. Samuel married S.E.
vii. Ezekial d. 20 Sept. 1861 age 51
viii. John

J. John born 16 Feb. 1802 married Vashti Seawright b. 10 Oct. 1816 in about 1838.
He remarried Agnes Seawright sometime after her death. The children were:
i. James C. b. 30 Dec. 1839 d. 10 Sept. 1862
ii. John O. b. 9 March 1841 d. 18 Sept. 1863
iii. William F. b. 1848 lived with his twin sister, Margaret in 1880
iv. Andrew W., b. 28 Nov. 1846 d. 1872
v. Maragret C. b. 1848 married James D. Lomax
K. Jane McAdams born 5 Oct. 1808 married Thomas Davis, b. 1794.

L. Robert McAdams b. 5 Oct. 1811 married Christianna Hill in about 1837. Children:
i. Robert b. 15 June 1834 married Mattie Cromer, b. 1 Nov. 1848
ii. Martha N. b. 1839
iii. Wellborn Newton b. 8 July 1841 married Mary A. Burton b. 21 May 1861
iv. Allen Jones, b. 10 Oct. 1843 married Mary Emma Moore, b. 24 April 1852
v. Marietta b. 30 Sept. 1848 married F.V. Pruitt b. 3 March 1833

L. James Jones, b. 27 Oct. 1814, d 14 June 1909 did not marry

M. Rebecca McAdams b. 15 Oct. 1816, d. 1894 did not marry.

2. Catherine may have married Obidiah Fields about 1785

3. James was born in Ireland about 1765. He is referred to as "Captain" which
may come from service in the War of 1812. He married Charlotte --. He died interstate in 1821.
A. Sarah b. 1783 married Thomas Branyon
B. Mary Ann b. 1789 married John McClane

C. William b. 17 Sept. 1788 married Elizabeth --
i. James b. 1826
ii. Margaret b. 1829 married G.F. Burton
iii. Polly A. b. 1831
iv. John Oliver, b. 27 May 1833 married Malinda Cassey
v. William T. b. 1837 (Twin)
vi. Jane D. b. 1837 (Twin)
vii. Susan A. b. 1841

D. John b. 1790 married Sarah Fields
i. Catherine b. 1815 married William Yandell
ii. James Wesley b. 21 Jan 1816 married Cynthia Shelton 20 Oct. 1847
iii. Obidiah F. b. 19 Jan. 1861 married Temperance Arp (2) Mary Jennings
iv. Elizabeth b. 1818
v. Samuel L. b. 14 June 1821 married Clara Dowdle (2) Sarah Dowdle
vi. Charlotte, b. 1825 married Thomas L. Hardin
vii. Nathaniel b. 1826 married Margaret (2) Martha Crook

E. Bennett b. 2 March 1794 married Margaret E. Hall
i. Mahala J. b. 26 July 1834
ii. Elizabeth, b. 19 Feb. 1837 married J.O. McClain
iii. Charlotte Tibitha, b. 18 Sept. 1838 married James O. McClain
iv. James, b. 1 Sept. 1839
v. William R. b. 1840 married Mary E. Ellis
vi. N. Heibernia, b. 15 July 1843 married James R. McWhorther
vii. Enoch Benton, b. 25 Sept. 1846

F. James b. 1797 married Elizabeth --
i. Mary A. b. 1834
ii. Thomas b. 1836
iii. Visiah b. 1838
iv. Moses b. 1840
v. Margaret b. 1842 married James Prestiage
vi. Sarah b. 1844

G. Thomas b. 1803 married Margaret — (2) Susan--
i. Elizabeth b. 1832
ii. Susan A. b. 1834
iii. Rachael C. b. 1837
iv. Samuel F. b. 1 Oct. 1839 married Emma Bowen
v. Serena b. 1842
vi. Martha A. b. 1845
vii. William R., b. 1846 married Mary E. Bowen
viii. Josephine b. 1848
ix. John B., b. 1865
x. Conie A. b. 1866
xi. Robert P. b. 1870
xii. George Alphonso, b. 1871

H. Hannah b. 1806 married Dempsey Callahan

I. Nancy b. 1809 married John B. McWhorter

J. Robinson b. 4 July 1816 married Elizabeth A.--
i. James M. b. 1849
ii. Augusta A., b. 1852
iii. Daniel b. 1855
iv. Robert M. b. 1858

Union Co.

John McAdams, cb. 1763 shows up in Union Co. just before 1800 and is believed be the son of Thomas McAdams of Washington Co., Tenn. He married Elizabeth Robertson. He was on the estate of Nathaniel Robertson, 1809, in will of Steel in 1803 land granted to John Dunn. He died in York Co. in 1845.

The children of John and Elizabeth McAdams were:
i....Daniel b. 1784, d. 1871 in Hall Co., Ga. married Judith Whelchel
ii.. Hugh cb. 1788 d. before 1821 married Mary in Pickens Co., Ala.
iii. Samuel, cb. 1790
iv. Elizabeth b. 1807 married John McTheown

The Society has extended information on most of the McAdams families of South Carolina. Some are quite large which were are working on to complete and will be posted at a later date. You may request addition information on any of these lines as only the first known ancestor is listed here.