Members of the McAdams family were in New York before 1740 but few records remain. By 1740 members of the McAdam
of Waterhead were residents doing business in New York City. The families did well and they were among the more prominent
families of the City until they supported the Royal cause.

New York City

William McAdam, born 1725 at Waterhead, Scotland, died in 1779, son of James McAdam of Waterhead was in New York by 1754 as he was advertising goods from Scotland from his business on Warren's Wharf at North River. He was elected to the Chamber of Commerce in 1768 and was on the Committee of Correspondence with Samuel Adams in 1774. He owned McAdams & Co. who was granted 30,000 acres of land by the State of New York signed by Gov. Dunmore, July 3, 1771. The land was located in Middlesex and was known as the Kilby Grant. In the year he died he advertised his farm of 30 acres on River Gaz. His wife, Ann Delay died at the age of 94 on Oct. 5, 1828.

Charles McAdams was Captain of the Judith, abt. 1750 in NYC

Gilbert McAdam married Sarah Cunningham, a old and wealthy family of NYC in 1757.

Mary, d/o William McAdam and Sarah Smith b. 21 Feb. 1775 and listed as members
of Trinity Church 2 Oct. 1779.
Clark K. McAdams was grantee to George & Sarh Piggot in New York City 22 April 1796 signed by Christopher K. McAdams

Mary McAdams, daughter of John McAdam of Ayrshire, Scotland, brother of William and Gilbert in NY, married Richard Maitland, son of Charles 6 th Earl of Lauderdale. They had 3 children.

Mathew McAdams a resident of New York city was a cordwainder. He was the nearest of kin to George McDermoth court record dated 1798.

Hugh McAdams is listed as Irish in American, but family tradition is that they came from Scotland. This family may have come from Hugh McAdams from Salem, N.J.

John McAdams, b. 1741 in Westchester, NY served with the provineial troops in 1760 in Co. of Westchester troops in Capt. Gilchrist's 13 th Regiment.

1831 New York City Directory

Ann McAdams, widow - 38 Delancy
James McAdams, grocer - 16 Elm and Duane
Patrick McAdam, hempdresser, 115 Clinton
Thomas McAdam, Shoemaker, 107 Delancy
1861 New York City Directory

Alice McAdam, widow of Patrick, 316 9 th. Ave.
Daniel McAdam, shoes, 18 Carmine
David McAdam, lawyer, 64 Wall, h 398 8th Ave
David McAdam, printer, 411 8th Ave.
Flex McAdam, weaver, 123 1sr Ave.
Francis McAdam, shoes, 205 Green
Henry J. McAdam lawyer, 25 Nassan
Hugh McAdam, cooper 209 W. 40th
James McAdam, labor 279 E. 13th
James G. McAdam, lawyer, 77 Nassan, 102 W. 40th
John McAdam, carpenter 188 1/2 E. 25th
John McAdam, labor, 78 Goerek
John McAdam, waiter, 127 W. 20th
Mary McAdam, widow of James, 70- Marion
Patrick McAdam, grocer, 131 W. 42d
Quentin, McAdam, 56 Wall, 78 Bedford
Terence McAdams, baker, 306 E. 12th
Mr. McAdams, 13 Grove
Bernard McAdams, hostler, 91 W. 40th
James McAdams, laborer, 229 Mott
John McAdams, 250 W. Mott.

New York City Birth Records

Looking for Francis McAdams, ancestor of Bob McAdams of St. Louis we have researched the records from 1854 to 1870. The ones below are what is listed:

1. Mary, d/o James and Mary McAdam, b. 2 Feb. 1854 at West 28th Street
2. Malalire, d/o Henry and Mary McAdam, b. 15 April 1854 at Cherry
3. Michael, s/o James and Caherine McAdam, b. 25 Nov. 1856 at East 20th
4. unnamed child of Francis and Mary McAdam, 21 May 1863 at Green Street
5. Davina Edwards, d/o Alexander and Rose McAdam, b. 25 Nov. 1865
6. John, s/o James McAdam and Agnes McCreo, 8 May 1867 at West 26th.
James was a stonecutter born in Ireland and Agnes was b. in Scotland.

7. Elizabeth, d/o Thomas N. McAdams and Mary Ann Thompson, b. 21 Sept. 1867
both parents born in US, Thomas was a hatter and lived in Edgeaster, NY
8. unnamed child, of Robert McAdamson and Ruth Ada Kerr, 0ct. 23, 1869
recorded 19 Nov. 1869.
9. Edward, s/o Edward Joseph McAdam and Rosanna Taggart, b. 23 Jan. 1870.
Edward Joseph was a car driver and they lived at East 43'd - Reg. 4 Feb. 1870

10. Isabella, d/o George W. McAdam and Jeannetta McRea, b. 8 Sept. 1870
George was b. NY and an attorney, Jeanetta b. Mo. lived at W. 15th.

Francis McAdam of Brooklin

Francis McAdam, a showmaker married Mary McDonald, b. 1833 Ireland, d. 5 May 1888 NY.Children:

1. Francis X McAdam b. 21 Jun 1856 NY, married Susan Dougherty b. 1866. Children:
a. Edward McAdam b.Aug. 16 1897, married Ethel Conklin Oct 1916, b. Susan Nellie, c. Francis, d. Mary
2. David, cb. 1863
3. James, cb. 1866
4. Mary E. cb. 1877

Albany Co.

Hugh McAdams, Jr. cb. 1755 married Catharina Gerrittson on 6 May 1780 in the Albany Dutch reformed Church and lived in the New Paltz district of New York. He may have been the son of Hugh McAdams of Salem, N.J. He was in Albany Co. in 1777. Hugh McAdams, Jr. was a Revolutionary War soldier from New York in "A" Company when he witnessed the will of Barnet H. Wemple in March 1782. Their da., Mary Elizabeth was baptized 29 Aug. 1790 in the Saratoga Reformed Dutch Protestant Church.

A Family from Scotland

1.Andrew, cb. 1782 married Jannet McCarty ab. 1805, 7 sons & 2 daughters
2..James, cb. 1788
3..Mary Elizabeth, b. 1790
4..John gone by 1810
1...Andrew's family moved to Ashitabula Co. Ohio - see Ohio

William McAdam, b. 1801 in NY, a carpenter & wife, Caroline, b. 1809. At age 13 he served in the War of 1812 as private in Capt. Parkers 1'st Calv. They lived in Springfield, Mass. in 1862 to 1865. They then moved to Ogle Co., Ill. They had children:

i......James b. 1832
ii.....Sally, b. 1837
iii....William J. , b. 1845
iv....Mary A., b. 1843
v.....Jennie, b. 1840
vi....Caroline, b. 1849

John W. McAdam, born 1803 in N.Y. was living with Rachael Curnber, his daughter, in 1850.

James McAdams, is said to have arrived from Scotland in abt. 1806. He was James Wallace who was Captain of his own ship he brought to America. He changed his name to his mothers's maden name. His agent Holmes stole the money from the sale of the ship. By 1810 they had moved to Scotch Mountain, Delaware Co. His wife's name is not known. He had 3 sons and 6 daughters.2/C.

Duncan McAdam, b. 1806 was a son of James McAdams. Is said he and his twin brother who died were born on ship on the voyage to America. He married Esthur Parrish, b. 1811. He was 6 foot, 7 inches tall and was a Riverman. He died at the age of 84 in 1890. They had 12 children but only the following are known:

i..James Ezra, b. 1831 married Calrassa C. Delemete
ii..Ashala A. b. 183i3
iii.Manilth, b. 1840
iv.Hamond J., b. 1842
v..Esthur, b. 1844 married Mr. Lamphere
vi.Jalend, b. 1847
vii.Duncan A., b. 1850

Delaware Co.

Isabella McAdam, b. 1795 Scotland living with John Smith, b. Scotland
Isabella McAdam, b. 1763 Scotland was living with Marcy, b. 1793 in Scotland
James McAdams, b. 1803 in NY living with Andrew Monroe, age 75. And several young Woods children.
Grace McAdam, b. 1800 in NY living with her daughter, Catharine Brock.

William McAdam, b. 1746 came from Kirkcudbright, Scotland on the ship Adventure from Liverpool and arrived in New York 16 May 1774. He was 28 years old and listed his occupation as a tailor.

Henry McAdams, cb. 1765 lived in New York in 1810 with a wife, two sons and a daughter.

Kings Co.

Patrick McAdams, b. 1800 in Ireland living with John Reid, no wife.
i.Mary Ann, age 11 born Ireland
ii.Bridget, age 10 born Ireland

Robert McAdams, b. 1820 in Scotland was a printer, wife Hannah, b. NY, da., Martha 3, and Quintin, 1/2, were living with Quintin McAdams, age 26 a lawyer born Scotland. In the household was Mary A. McCullan, 16 born Ireland and Sarah Newton, 26 b. NY.

Ulster Co.

Thomas McAdams, age 4 born in Ireland was living with Alice Welch, age 49 b. Ireland

Daniel McAdams, b. 1804 Ireland, wife, Catharine, b. 1803, children:
i Jane age 19 b. Ireland ii.James age 16 iii.Philip age 12 iv..Edward 7
v.Mary age 4, all born Ireland. This family is a member of the McAdam of Blackwater

Patrick McAdam, b. 1790 Ireland, wife Mary b. 1795 Ireland and son, John 18 born Ireland.

John McAdam, b. 1798 in Ireland, wife name unknown, children all born Ireland.
i Margaret age 19 ii.John age 16 iii..Francis (male) age 14 iv.Thomas age 3

John McAdams - The 1850 census pages copied lists his occupation as laborer, age 52, born in Ireland - his wife is Mary McGarrity, age 45 born in Ireland. His daughter Margaret McAdams married Thomas Clegg in Brooklyn, NY in1855. Margaret McAdams sent family members on a wild goose chase for a while, as the family bible had the Mc scratched off, and thought her name was Adams. It wasn't til the birth certificates was found of her first children that showed maiden name McAdams and that the bible had been altered. Later birth certificates showed her name to be Adams. Her children were born in England (Thomas Clegg and Margaret McAdams moved to Stepney England from NY for shipbuilding opportunities).
Claudia Brevis