McAdam/MacGregor DNA Project
The McAdam/MacGregor DNA project was launched by Richard McGregor, Director of the MacGregor Clan, during the filming of “Blood Ties”. This BBC TV program featured a family member, Damien McAdams of Derry, Ireland. The question about the truth of the McAdam tradition of being originally MacGregors was tested for accuracy and the DNA test results settled this.
Five MacGregors were tested, two were from the direct line of Malcom MacGregor, Chief of the MacGregor Clan, to establish the target markers called Locus (DYS). Damien McAdams was a very close match to Malcom MacGregor, which confirmed the McAdam tradition that McAdam were originally MacGregors. Almost all McAdams tested to date fall well within the range indicating a family relationship to the MacGregors. The results confirm an Irish/Celt (Gaels) origin referred to as the HGI (Haplogroup 1). These tests support the ancient genealogies that the MacGregors came across from Ireland to Scotland between the 2’nd and 5’th centuries to Dalriada known as the Kingdom of the Scots.
The Scottish Archived documents of early McAdam's suggest they were from a single family appearing around 1400, but some DNA test results do not agree with these documents. There are several reasons given for this problem. The “Y” signature, which is tested, is passed from father to son and does not change much over 300 to 400 years. Mutations do appear so certain numbers on the DNA chart are more important than others. Also some people associated with the McAdam family did adopt the name, there were adoptions, orphaned children of in-laws, and children born out of wedlock. These are some of the reasons given as to why some DNA’s do not match up. Looking at our recorded documents and the DNA results, it appears that some McAdam signatures have mutations that appeared in less than 250 years.
If you are a McAdam and wishes to join this DNA project please contact us. To achieve the correct results the person tested must be a male with the surname McAdam/s or MacAdam(s). For the complete MacGregor DNA test results you can go to Gregor Clan Website
The current McAdam/s DNA test results are as follows.
Clan MacGregor Family
Malcom MacGregor
Chief of the MacGregor Clan
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/10 385a/na 385b/na 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/30
McAdams of Ireland
Damien McAdams
Robert and Martha McAdams Co. Donegal, Ireland ancestor
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/10 385a/na 385b/na 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/31
McAdams of Orange Co., NC., Orangeburg & Newberry, SC. Northumberland Co. Penn. and Albany Co., NY (Scotland)
Lennon McAdams
James and Rebecca Hill McAdams of Orange Co., NC. ancestor
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/14 389-2/29
R. Michael McAdams
Hugh and Catherine Scott McAdams of Orange Co. ancestor
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/14 389-2/29
John Rustin McAdams
Thomas and Catherine McAdams of Orangeburg, SC.
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/15 389-2/29
Horace McAdams
Robert and Sarah Williams McAdams of Newberry, SC. ancestor
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/16 389-2/29
James Pete McAdams
Robert and Sarah Williams McAdams of Newberry, SC ancestor.
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/15 389-2/29
Gregg McAdams
Ancestor unknown
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/14 389-2/30
Dan McAdams
John and Nancy Armstrong McAdams of Northumberland Co. Pa. ancestor
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/14 389-2/29
J. Tim McAdams
Andrew McAdams of Albany Co., New York ancestor
393/13 390/25 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/14 389-2/29
McAdams of Pendleton Dist., SC. Washington Co., Tenn & Logan Co, Ohio
Joe McAdams
James and Jermina Murray McAdams of Pendleton Dist., SC ancestor
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/11 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
Charles McAdams
Thomas McAdams of Washington Co., Tenn. ancestor
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/11 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
Russell McAdams
Thomas McAdams of Washington Co., Tenn. ancestor
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/12 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/11 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
William McAdams
James and Sarah Hoyle McAdams ancestor Bedford and Hardin Co., Ohio
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/11 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
McAdams of York Co., Penn. and Jefferson Co., Kentucky
Bob McAdams
John and Sarah Sloss McAdams ancestor
393/13 390/24 19/15 391/11 385a/11 385b/13 426/12 388/12 439/11 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/28
Robert McAdams
Samuel and Sarah McAdams of Jefferson Co., Ky. ancestor
393/13 390/24 19/15 391/11 385a/11 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/13 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/28
McAdams of Abbeville, SC., Co. Amargh, Ireland, Walker Co., Texas and Ohio
Thomas Jackson McAdams
John and Katherine Stucky McAdams of Abbeville, South Carolina
393/13 390/24 19/15 391/10 385a/11 385b/15 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
James McAdams
John and Martha Rodgers McAdams of Walker Co., Texas ancestor.
393/13 390/24 19/15 391/10 385a/11 385b/15 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
Thomas McAdams
James and Sarah Best McAdam of Co. Amargh, Ireland ancestor
393/13 390/24 19/15 391/10 385a/11 385b/15 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
Mike McAdams
John and Elizabeth Robinson McAdams – Warren Co., Ohio
393/13 390/243 19/15 391/10 385a/11 385b/15 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/29
McAdams of Abbeville Co., SC and Alabama
William H. McAdams
John and Sarah Fields McAdams of Abbeville, SC ancestor.
393/14 390/24 19/15 391/10 385a/18 385b/20 426/11 388/12 439/14 389-1/13 392/11 389-2/30
William R. McAdams
John and Sarah Fields McAdams of Abbeville, SC ancestor.
393/14 390/24 19/15 391/10 385a/18 385b/20 426/11 388/12 439/14 389-1/13 392/11 389-2/30
Joseph T. McAdams
James and Elizabeth McAdams of Fayette County, Ala.
393/13 390/23 19/14 391/11 385a/10 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/14 389-1/14 392/13 389-2/31
Howard Emanuel McAdams
James and Elizabeth McAdams of Fayette County, Ala.
393/13 390/23 19/14 391/11 385a/10 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/13 389-1/14 392/13 389-2/31
McAdam of Scotland (NY), Ireland and Canada
David McAdams
Andrew and Sarah Crawford McAdam, Rosemeath, Scotland
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/10 385a/11 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/30
Thomas McAdams
William and Hannah Brown McAdam of Belfast, Ireland
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/10 385a/11 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/30
Bruce MacGregor McAdam
John McAdam of NB, Canada
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/10 385a/11 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/30
John Dehane Macadam
Family member of John Macadam who gave his name to the Macadamia Nut Tree. See article
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/10 385a/11 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/12 389-1/13 392/13 389-2/30
Adams - McAdams
Suzanne Davis
393/13 390/24 19/14 391/10 385a/11 385b/14 426/12 388/12 439/11 389-1/14 392/13 389-2/30
Non McAdam DNA Signatures
Toby McAdam
John Loudon McAdams ancestor - McAdam of Waterhead
393/13 390/23 19/15 391/9 385a/13 385b/16 426/11 388/16 439/12 389-1/13 392/11 389-2/30
Larry Wayne McAdams
ancestor unknown - match Tailey family
393/15 390/23 19/15 391/10 385a/14 385b/16 426/11 388/13 439/11 389-1/14 392/12 389-2/31
Mike McAdams
George McAdam (McCadon) of Belfast, Ireland
393/12 390/26 19/16 391/11 385a/15 385b/16 426/11 388/13 439/11 389-1/14 392/12 389-2/31
Reimund Jones McAdams
Northumberland Co., Va. - Joseph McAdams ancestor
393/15 390/21 19/16 391/10 385a/17 385b/17 426/11 388/12 439/12 389-1/12 392/11 389-2/29