Ohio McAdams Family Records
L/R: John McKeon, Dr. G.A. McMillan, H.M. Schweppe, Jos. G. Melling, Clark McAdams, Prof. William McAdams.
Seated l/r: Frank Rlehl, Charles Noble, John McAdams on LakeMarie Fern Claire in St. Charles Co., Mo. April 1893.
Photo taken by the cook.
McAdams Family of Butler Co., Ohio and Friends
William McAdams Jr. was born 1834 in Butler County, Ohio. He was the son of William, b. 1809 and Eliza Ann Faries, b. 1815. They were married 6 Oct. 1831 and they had 6 children. William, Sr.'s parents was Thomas McAdams, b. 1772 in Ireland. It is said he came to America at the age of 16 (1791) but there is no immigration record of him. He was an early resident of Butler Co., Ohio and married Elizabeth Noble b. 1783 there on 18 Oct. 1804. Four children, Robert N., William, John, and Darcy Jane can be confirmed by his estate records but there appears to have been others due to the records in Bultler Co.
Family tradition says the family came from Scotland, but Thomas' tombstone says he was born in Ireland and died in Brown County, Ohio 27 Dec. 1833. Elizaberth died 16 April 1840. He and Elizabeth are buried in the Middletown Cemetery in Brown County. In the same cemetery is Freeman McAdams s/o William and Elizabeth McAdams who died 1843.
William, Jr. was raised in the Miami Valley of Ohio, area rich in Indian artifacts. At an early age, William , Jr. was collecting Indian axes and arrowheads. His father was displeased by the time a and space required for his hobby, however William, Jr. propelled into the field of archaeology for his entire life. After graduation, he taught school in Ohio be became restless and settled in the southwestern part of Illinois. William found the Illinois River Bottom and the American Bottoms southeast of the confluence of the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers to be a virgin field for archaeological research. For the next 40 year, he explored this country, as a self-taught archaeologist. Ostensibly, he was considered a farmer, but he was also a lecturer, a professor and a state politician.
William, Jr. married Anna Curtis in 1865 and they had 6 children, John D., Clark, Georgia, Maggie, Bessie, and William D. The home of this McAdams family in Otterville was a veritable museum. In 1872 William was elected to the legislature of the state and served for two sessions. He was president of the Natural History Society of Illinois and a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
In his explorations, William found burial mounds on hilltops and in the bottoms along both the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. He spread the word about his findings after excavating these mounds. "Records of the Ancient Races in the Mississippi Valley" was published in 1887 recording his work. He made copies of the cliff drawing he found and shared them with the Smithsonian. William prepared a treatise call "Antiquities in which he stated "the greatest mounds in the U.S. - the Egypt of America, with it pyramids and tombs looming up from the rich valley of the Mississippi".
Two older boys became their father's companions in his search for artifacts. He taught them about archaeology and exploring. Most present day archaeologist agree with the finding of William McAdams, Jr. He drowned in the river in 1895 and is buried in the Noble Cemetery near Otterville in the family plot with his father and mother.
His son, John D. McAdam, 1875 - 1941 was a reporter on the Alton Republican and later the manager. For years, he was the witty writer for the column "Giv'n R Gas" for the Alton Evening Telegraph. He married Hilda Hewitt and they had children, Henry, Alice, John, and Phoebe. John D. became involved in promoting the Lewis and Clark Bridges and Marquette State Park. The highest named McAdams Peak. John D. was killed in an auto accident while vacationing in Florida A memorial table dedicating the McAdams Recreational Parkway was placed on the rock wall of what is now called the Great River Road. A son, Henry (1914-1990) attended the University of Missouri and also went to work at the Alton Evening Telegraph. He married Melba Cooper and they had two sons, Peter and William, and a daughter, Molly. At the death of his father he became a great booster of the completion of the Great River Road.
Other family members include, Clark McAdams, a humorist and editor of the St. Louis Post Dispatch, member of the Federal Advisory Board on Birds, humorist and author and founder of the St. Louis Artist's Guild, Georgia McAdams Clifford, author of children's books, Clark McAdams Clifford, a St. Louis lawyer who became the advisor to Harry S Truman, Maggie Hakins, member of the Alton Board of Education and W.D. McAdams founder of the McAdams Advertising Agency..
(Luella Cravens of Brighton, Ill. furnished us the book on "McAdams - A Legacy of Public Service" published by the Alton Museum of History and Art, 121 E. Broadway, Alton, Illinois 62002. She is a friend of Peter McAdams of this family line who calls her "cousin". Peter owns the McAdams Orchard and Stable in Brighton, Ill. He is well know in the area for his 45 varieties of apples, pears, cider, jellies, apple butter and his hospitality. Unfortunately, Macadamia nut trees will not grow in Brighton.)
Other Bulter Co. Records
Mary McAdams, b. 1775 in Virginia, 2'd husband was David Black. In their household
was Amanda McAdams, age 17.
George McAdams, b. 1810 in Ohio married Jane Ann Blanchard, b. 1812 in NY on
15 May 1831. Their children were:
i......Mary, b. 1836 married William Thompson, 15 May 1866
ii.....John O., b. 1841 married Serpepta A. Kinnely, 29 June 1865
iii....George, b. 1843 married S. Lamfort, 5 Sept. 1871
Mary E. McAdams, b. 1805 a sister of George was living with the family.
Kathryn E. McAdams, 1536 Rosemont Blvd., Daylton, Ohio 45410, has her first relative as John W. McAdams, b. 1 Nov. 1811 and married Elizabeth S. Robenson in Bulter Co. Ohio on 21 March 1840. John's estate records are in Brown County where he died 24 Nov. 1861. Elizabeth remarried Mr. Wright before his estate was settled in 1866. Kathryn has long been seeking John's parents and has not been able to tie her family to the Bluter Co. group which
Ashtabula Co.
This McAdams family came from Saratoga Co., N.Y. The family in Ashtabula Co. married into the Nettleton family. Family tradigty has left little information on this family. "The Mystery of McAdams Family was Actual Pioneer Days Occurrence" documents this family.
1. Peter McAdams, b. 1793 in N.Y. died unmarried in 1872
2. William McAdams married Sophronia Meacham, b. 1806
3. John McAdams, b. 1794 in N.Y.
4. Joseph McAdam, b. 1809 in N.Y. married Ruth Nettleton.
5. Alexander McAdams married Rebecca Smith, 1826 - no living family.
6. Peggy McAdams married Dudley Root in 1826
7. Mary A. McAdams, b. 1809 married Joshua Hettleto.
Brown and Clermont Co's.
Ephraim McAdams, b. 28 March 1767 probably in New Jersey. He married Charity M. Britt 17 Dec. 1793. He is the son of John and Ann Armstrong of Clermont Co., Ohio
John McAdams married Ann Armstrong of Northumberland Co., Penn. was the head
of the family here. See. Penn. for family records.
Coshocton Co.
John McAdam of Northumberland Co., Va. was issued land grants in Coshocton Co.
for his Revolutionary service to his heirs. However, no McAdams family name is on
his estate papers.
Michael McAdams, b. 1808 in Maryland married Elizabeth. b. 1818 Pa. May have been
the son of John McAdams who served in the naval records of Maryland and may have
ties to the Northumberland Co., Va. family.
i......William b. 1836
ii......Sarah J. b. 1830
iii.....John, b. 11841
iv.....James b. 1844
v.....Elizabeth, b. 1849
Andrew McAdams Ann Wright, 16 Jan. 1859
Edward McAdams married Olive Gleason, 3 Oct. 1866
William McAdams left his estate in Coshocton Co. and was a member of the Armagh Co.,
Ireland family living in Muskingum Co.
Andrew McAdams married Ann Wright on 16 Jan. 1859.
Edward McAdams married Olive Gleason on 3 Oct. 1866.
Fayette Co.
Thomas McAdams, b. 1787 NC married Lydia (Liddy) Stout b. 1788 Tenn. They lived in Fayette, Highland and Logan Counties. Their children were:
i.......Ellender b. 3 March 1811 O. married William Rodecker
ii.....John cb. 1813 married Frances C. Moore
iii....Peter M., b. 1816 O, married Lydia E. Cushing
iv....Hannah b. 18 Nov. 1818 O married Phillip Stout
v.....Isaac, cb. 1821 O, married Hannah Stout
vi....James Francis, b. 1823 O married Sarah Fahnestock
vii...Elizbeth (Eliza" cb. 1828 married Jefferson B. Stout.
Isaac McAdams, cb. 1775 NC married Mary Ann d/o James Fisher. Mary Ann was his first cousin who was a Quaker. They lived in Bedford Co., Tenn. and moved to Fayette Co., Ohio where he left a will dated 1835. He left gifts to Nancy Garrison, a girl he had raised and was the wife of John McAdams, son of James.
Logan Co.
James McAdams, cb. 1773 NC married Sarah Hoyle and they lived in Bedford Co., Tenn. before moving to Logan Co. Ohio in 1833. James left a will and died in 1839 and their children were:
i...... John b. 1804 NC married Nancy Garrison
ii..... Isaac b. 1805 NC married Sarah
iii... .Katherine cb. 1810 Tenn.
iv.... James b. 5 Aug. 1812 Tenn. married Sarah Haines 13 Feb. 1834
v.... William b. 1814 Ohio
vi.... Wilson b. 1815 Tenn. married Amanda Brockerman
vii... Martin b. 1818 Tenn. married Melita Sulton
viii.. Mary C., b. 1824 married William Ansley in 1840 - 6 children
Harrison Co.
John McAdams, b. 1760 in Ireland lived in the 7 Ranges Track and died 1833 and
is buried in the Old Cadiz Cemetery. Nothing is known about him but may have been
the John who came to Philadelphia about 1797.
George McAdam, cb. 1780 married Elizabeth Jaggart b. 1780. Family records say his
wife was Elizabeth Cammon,but because George named a son William Jaggart this is
more likely to be correct. Both families were in Down and both families left for America
about the same time and they probably were related. They were both born in Ireland.
They came to American from Co. Down, Ireland in 1804. They lived a few years in
Philadelphia before going to Harrison Co. His will was proved Nov. 1849.
The children of George and Elizabeth were:
i......James, b. Ireland married Jane--
ii.....George, cb. 1806
iii....Margaret, cb. 1808 married Mr. Burnside
iv....William Jaggart, b. 1810
v.... Maria cb. 1812 married Mr. Campbell
vi....Sarah,cb. 1814
vii..Thomas, b. 1826
John McAdams lived in Washington Co., Penn. and left a will in Lee Co., Iowa in 1848.
It was proved in Harrison Co. Court in 1849. His wife was Harriett.
i.....Mary, b. 1833
ii....Sarah, b. 1843
iii..Rebecca, b. 1839
iv..Dunlap, b. 1844
Jefferson Co.
Joseph McAdams, cb. 1770 in North Carolina married Nancy, d/o William Bailey in
Lincoln Co. Ky. 15 Jan 1789. He was in Brook Co., Va. in 1800 and purchased land
at Fort Steubens and appears in the tax record
of 1806. He died before 1830. Some family was:
i......John cb. 1807 married Catherine Haynes 2 Hannah L. King
ii....William, b. 1808 married Ann.., b. 1812 They lived Buckskin, Ross Co. in 1850
William McAdams, brother of Joseph, cb. 1775 also was in Brooke Co., Va. and was in Stuebenville,
Ohio by 1810. He married Sarah Henry in Virginia. Their children were:
i......John William, b. 1795 married Sarah McCoy, 20 Dec. 1821
ii.....Elizabeth, cb. 1797 married Samuel Scott, 16 Dec. 1813
iii....Sarah, cb. 1799 married Thomas Day 24 Oct. 1813
iv....William b. 1800 married Mildred--
v.....Ann, cb. 1801 married Joseph Porter, 12 Nov. 1829
vi....Henry, b. 1802 married Elizabeth Morrow, 22 Jan 1829
vii...Rachael, cb. 1804 married Mr. Johnson
viii..Jane, cb. 1809 married Thomas Longhead 10 May 1834
Muskingum Co.
James McAdams, born in 1774 in Ireland immigrated to American with his wife,
Debora Best with their son, John in 1802. They came from Tartagahan, Co Armagh,
Ireland. James settled in Brownsville, Penn. In about1810 the family to Muskingum
Co., Ohio.
Their family was:
i......John, b. 28 Aug. 1801 in Ireland
ii.....Olivia, b. 26 June 1803 in Penn
iii....William, b. 7 Aug. 1805 married Harriet — died in Coshocton Ohio
iv....Walter, b. 11 Aug. 1807
v.....Richard, b. 13 Aug. 1808 married Elizabeth Godfrey 18 June 1835
vi....Sarah A. b. 18 Dec. 1811 married Alexander Campbell 4 Oct. 1846
vii....James b. 18 Dec. 1811 probably died unmarried
viii...Valentine, b. 71 Dec. married Evaline Mears 20 Feb. 1824
Dolores Burton" has only one small family group of Macadam, and can not
get them in or out of Ohio. Her first know is Robert McAdam born in Ireland. She has looked for so long that
by now if it jumped up and hit her in the face she may not recognize it.
Robert MacAdam D: June 21, 1878. Bur. in City Cemt. Zanesville Ohio .The children Margaret and John are
buried with Robert Macadam their father. No date. But they dissapeared from census between 1870 and 1880.
Maybe all died at the same time. Jane married Charles B. Ninekirk March 16, 1867 in Zanesville M.E.Church.
Rebecca (her greatgrandmother) married Eli E.Steelman Dec. 8, 1868. In M.E. church. Jane and Rebecca on the
1860 show that they were born in Ohio, but the rest of their lives they claimed to have been born in Ireland.
Charles William the only surviving son She can not locate after 1900. Not for sure.She has a female child named
Margaret Elizabeth Macadam who says her parents are Margaret and Robert Macadam andthat she was born in
Licking Co. Ohio in on Aug. 27, 1857. She married May 1, 1878 to Scholffman and they moved to Dalhart Texas
where she lived died and is buried. She said her mother's name was Carson. On the 1900 census Margaret says
she has been in this country since 1846. She cannot find them until 1860.
Any help will be appreciated.
1860 Fed. census of Muskingum Co. Ohio. City of Zanesville.
> Robert Macadam age 45 b: Ireland
> Margaret Macadam (Carson? age 41 B:Ireland
> Jane Macadam age 16 B:ohio
> Rebecca Macadam age 13 B:ohio
> Margaret age 8 B:ohio
> John age 6 B:ohio
> Charles age 5 B:ohio
Pickway Co.
Joseph McAdams, b. 11815 in Penn married Mary A.., b. 1813 in Penn. His brother,
James, b. 1829 lived with the family in 1850. Their children were:
i.....Henry P.W b. 1840
ii....Nancy S., b. 1841
iii...Missouri C. b. 1843 married Eber Homan, 7 July 1864
iv...Alphen W., b. 1844
v....Wilmore L. cb. 1845
Elizabeth Ann McAdams married George Kensel 21 Dec. 1853
Warren Co.
John McAdams, b. 1811 in Ohio parents is not known. He married Elizabeth S. Robinson, 21
March 1840 in Butler Co but was living in South Lebanon when he died 24 Nov. 1861.
His son John was born after he died.
Elizabeth remarried Mr. Wright and she died 15 Dec. 1905. Their children were:
i .....Emeline Alice, b. 24 Nov. 1841, d. May 1842
ii.....Mason (Mase) R. b. 27 June 1854, d. 29 Mary 1925 married Ida Renner 27 June 1877
iii....Joseph Linley, b. 12 April 1857, d. 1812 moved to Ind.
iv....Eugene Armstrong, b. 6 April 1859, d. 1861
v.....John William, b. 26 May 1862 married Emmett L. Williamson, 22 Jan. 1891